Frederick Liu, Shomir Wilson, Florian Schaub, Norman Sadeh
Publication date
AAAI Fall Symposium on Privacy and Language Technologies
Privacy policies are commonly used to inform users about the data collection and use practices of websites, mobile apps, and other products and services. However, the average Internet user struggles to understand the contents of these documents and generally does not read them. Natural language and machine learning techniques offer the promise of automatically extracting relevant statements from privacy policies to help generate succinct summaries, but current techniques require large amounts of annotated data. The highest quality annotations require law experts, but their efforts do not scale efficiently. In this paper, we present results on bridging the gap between privacy practice categories defined by law experts with topics learned from Non-negative Matrix Factorization (NMF). To do this, we investigate the intersections between vocabulary sets identified as most significant for each category, using a logistic regression model, and vocabulary sets identified by topic modeling. The intersections exhibit strong matches between some categories and topics, although other categories have weaker affinities with topics. Our results show a path forward for applying unsupervised methods to the determination of data practice categories in privacy policy text.
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