Sameer Patil, Roberto Hoyle, Roman Schlegel, Apu Kapadia, Adam J Lee
Publication date
Proceedings of the 33rd Annual ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems
Feedback about privacy-affecting system operations is important for informed end-user privacy management. While feedback is most relevant if provided immediately, such delivery interrupts the user and risks disrupting ongoing tasks. The timing, volume, and nature of feedback is therefore critical for avoiding inopportune interruption. We varied the timing and actionability of feedback regarding accesses to a user's physical location. We found that the sense of privacy violation was heightened when feedback was immediate, but not actionable. While immediate and actionable feedback may sometimes be necessary, our findings suggest that moderately delayed feedback is often acceptable. A moderate delay may serve as a compromise to minimize interruption and avoid overly alarming reaction to immediate feedback. However, immediate and actionable feedback could still be beneficial when privacy sensitivity is …
Total citations
Scholar articles
S Patil, R Hoyle, R Schlegel, A Kapadia, AJ Lee - Proceedings of the 33rd annual ACM conference on …, 2015