Margarita Esau, Dennis Lawo, Nico Castelli, Timo Jakobi, Gunnar Stevens
Publication date
Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Computer-Human Interaction Research and Applications (CHIRA 2021), October 28-29, 2021
SciTePress, Science and Technology Publications
Frequently the main purpose of domestic artifacts equipped with smart sensors is to hide technology, like previous examples of a Smart Mirror show. However, current Smart Homes often fail to provide meaningful IoT applications for all residents’ needs. To design beyond efficiency and productivity, we propose to realize the potential of the traditional artifact for calm and engaging experiences. Therefore, we followed a design case study approach with 22 participants in total. After an initial focus group, we conducted a diary study to examine home routines and developed a conceptual design. The evaluation of our mid-fidelity prototype shows, that we need to study carefully the practices of the residents to leverage the physical material of the artifact to fit the routines. Our Smart Mirror, enhanced by digital qualities, supports meaningful activities and makes the bathroom more appealing. Thereby, we discuss domestic technology design beyond automation.
Total citations
Scholar articles
M Esau, D Lawo, N Castelli, T Jakobi, G Stevens - Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on …, 2021