Timo Jakobi, Gunnar Stevens, Maximilian von Grafenstein, Dominik Pins, Alexander Boden
Publication date
Proceedings of Mensch Und Computer 2020
In 2019 it was revealed that several providers of voice assistants had systematically evaluated voice recordings of their users. Since the data protection notices stated that data would also be used to improve the service, this use was legal. For the users, however, this evaluation represented a clear break with their expectations of privacy. The purpose limitation principle of the GDPR with its component of purpose specification requires flexibility for the processor as well as transparency for the consumer. Against the background of this conflict of interest, the question arises for HCI as to how processing purposes of voice assistants should be designed to meet both requirements. To collect a user perspective, this study first analyzes the data protection information of the dominant voice assistants. Based on this, we present results of focus groups that deal with the perceived processing of data of voice assistants from the …
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