Jan Hess, Benedikt Ley, Corinna Ogonowski, Tim Reichling, Lin Wan, Volker Wulf
Publication date
Proceedings of the 10th European conference on Interactive tv and video
Studying domestic usage contexts has become an important field in research. Recent technological improvements have made media available on different devices, in different contexts and from different places. The adoption and appropriation of new devices and technologies has led to a more flexible usage behavior. However, even if we know about such a behavior, many questions, regarding how new technology changes the user's media usage and how these changes affect the social structure in a household, are still unanswered. We will address this topic in our work and want to provide an insight on how recent media consumption patterns have changed due to the appropriation of new technologies in the home. Based on a qualitative long-term Living Lab study we will present various patterns based on changes in media usage routines and their influences on households as social systems. The results …
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Scholar articles
J Hess, B Ley, C Ogonowski, T Reichling, L Wan… - Proceedings of the 10th European conference on …, 2012