Konstantin Aal, Corinna Ogonowski, Thomas von Rekowski, Rainer Wieching, Volker Wulf
Publication date
Siegen, Germany
Declining motoric skills, along with visual impairment and other possible health deficiencies make life challenging for older adults, especially when they live independently at home. New suitable interaction paradigms need to be found to support this target group in ICT utilization, which will eventually have a positive impact on their quality of life. By combining the benefits of computer technology, interactive television and full body motion tracking, we designed an ICT-based training system featuring balance training and strength exercises to predict and prevent falls. Taking into account the specific needs of older adults, the system was designed and evaluated together with 58 users from three different Living Labs in Germany, Spain and Australia.
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Scholar articles
K Aal, C Ogonowski, T von Rekowski, R Wieching… - Siegen, Germany, 2014